Why is My Vision Blurry?
Understanding your vision is the first step in improving it! Most people deal with some amount and form of unclear vision. From nearsightedness to farsightedness, astigmatism to old age, everyone’s eyes and clarity of vision are different. The more you know about what causes blurry, unclear vision, the better decisions you can make to care for and improve your vision. 8 Weeks Prior This week’s focus is on raising awareness of blurry vision and the options people have to eliminate it. By 2050, according to a new report from the Brien Holden Vision Institute in Australia, almost half the world will be nearsighted and require some form of corrective lens, up from a quarter of the global population in 2000.1
There are three main factors that can affect your eyes and create blurry, unclear vision:
1. Genetics
These are the eye factors you were born with. Does your family have a history of glasses or cataracts? More than likely you will experience something similar during your life. Learn about your family vision history so you can know what might be part of your vision future, and ask your eye doctor for a detailed exam of your eye structure so you can understand what’s naturally affecting your vision. LASIK in Dallas may help correct your nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism.
2. Lifestyle choices and experiences
Choices you make and things that happen to your eyes throughout life can affect your vision in many ways. Behaviors like smoking can slowly harm your vision over many years, while accidents like an eye injury during sports can lead to unclear vision and additional vision conditions as you get older. On the other hand, positive nutrition choices and wearing sunglasses can help protect your vision.
3. Natural aging
Regardless of your genetics and life experiences, the fact remains that as you get older, the eye also ages and begins to lose some of its flexibility, which creates less clear vision. This is called presbyopia, and nearly every person will experience some degree of blurry vision due to it after the age of 50. Now for the good news! Even though almost everybody experiences some form of blurry or unclear vision in their lives, our practice and surgeons offer a complete program of proven solutions that can benefit nearly every patient, giving you more options than ever before to achieve better, fuller vision.
Have questions about your vision? Give LaserCare Eye Center a call at 214.328.0444! We’re happy to help answer your questions about LASIK Eye Surgery.
I. Global prevalence of myopia and high myopia and temporal trends from 2000 through 2050. Ophthalmology Press, Holden, Brien A., et al.